Inspired Living

Indulge and enjoy with Inspired Living. If you think staying fit and eating well means you can’t enjoy it, Inspired Living will show you how to turn your mindset around. Inspired Living is all about tasty, healthy recipes, mindset shifts and meditations, and taking steps to nourish your body and soul so you feel better from within.

For the full picture, make sure to explore Go Healthier’s Looking Great for external care and beauty tips, as well as Safer Living to ensure you stay safe while choosing recipe ingredients and exercising.

Daily Things You Can Do Around the House That Can Keep Your Memory Strong

Very few diseases strike more fear into our hearts and minds than the dread of dementia.  The idea of the insidious progression of memory...

5 Things You Can Do to Be Proactive about Your Mental Health

( - Being proactive about your mental health can ease stress and conflict in the future. While acute and prolonged situations as well as...

How to Reduce Your Risk of Frequent Colds

( - Have you been getting frequent colds? Especially after periods of isolation, people are more prone to getting colds. The winter season, with...

How to Take a REAL Mental Health Day

( - Mental health days are becoming more accepted in the United States, but being permitted to ask for one and knowing how to...

How to Optimize the Use of Your Medicare Advantage Plan

( - When it comes to Medicare, there are multiple options and parts, which can make it quite confusing for those who are new...

How to Make New Friends in Midlife

( - By the time middle age hits, their lives have changed considerably. For some, it means having lives connected mainly to one hobby....
5 Immune-Boosting Smoothie Recipes to Try

5 Immune-Boosting Smoothie Recipes to Try

( - For those wanting to live a healthier lifestyle, there is a simple solution. Get into making smoothies. Loaded with veggies and tasty...
The Best Question to Ask to Avoid an Argument

The Best Question to Ask to Avoid an Argument

( - Comforting people is one way to help them, but so is finding the solutions to their problems. Sometimes, though, we choose one...
10 Best Apps to Download for Your Healthy Lifestyle

10 Best Apps to Download for Your Healthy Lifestyle

( - Getting and staying healthy is easier for some people than others. Most of us want better for ourselves, but getting there can...
For Healthier Relationships, try THIS Instead of Apologizing

For Healthier Relationships, Try THIS Instead of Apologizing

( - Apologizing when we’ve done something wrong is a good idea. If we’ve hurt another person’s feelings, saying we’re sorry may feel like...

Editor's Pick
