The Happiest People Have This in Common

The Happiest People Have This In Common

( – Happiness is the ultimate goal for most of us. But it can feel difficult to achieve at times. Some of us may even feel as if we’re in a constant pursuit of happiness.

Well, look no further. Science has found that happy people tend to share a number of the same traits or habits. Let’s take a look at what we can learn from them.

Quick Read:
We all have our ideas of what should make us happy, but some of us could be missing a few vital elements. We could be spending too much time worrying about goals and success and not enough time connecting with other human beings, taking care of ourselves and living in the moment. See the article below for more on what most of the happiest people have in common.

Here’s What the Happiest People Have in Common.

They’re Kind

Performing acts of kindness is good for both body and mind, and research has found it can increase happiness. Mayo Clinic shares that kindness can reduce blood pressure, lower cortisol levels and cause the brain to release feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

Being kind is a great way to connect with other people, combat loneliness and improve overall moods. Consider small random acts of kindness, like helping out a neighbor or paying for the drive-through order for the next car in line. Or, if time and energy allow, give volunteering a try.

They Stay Active

Exercise does more than improve heart health and stamina; it can also do wonders for the mood. A study out of Yale and Oxford found that people who exercised were more likely to experience happiness.

According to the American Psychological Association, exercise can reduce depression, cut anxiety and improve sleep. Most people usually feel some positive emotional effects within 5 minutes of completing moderate activity, but the most notable impacts typically result from long-term commitment. Getting started might be hard, but the rewards are likely to be worth the effort.

They Focus on Experiences Rather Than Things

Those of us who don’t have much extra might fantasize about how nice it would be to live on the finer end, but broader financial freedom doesn’t always equate to greater contentment.

Studies have shown people tend to be happier when they spend their money on leisure rather than cars, houses and other physical items. In this case, the biggest factor may be a social one; people who focus on experiences often get more social interaction, which is important for good mental health.

They Strive to Live in the Moment

It can be easy to get caught up in the desire to get ahead, and for many of us, personal time — time for others and time for ourselves — often loses priority. We can work so hard to climb our way up in the world that the rest of the world sometimes falls to the wayside.

Psychology Today reminds us to take time to be still. Mindfulness practices like meditation may help. Being mindful means letting go of worries over the future and regrets from the past. By being more present in all we do, we can enjoy each activity to the fullest.

They Make Deep Bonds

Human beings are social creatures that need deep bonds with other human beings to remain physically and emotionally well. Regardless of our success levels, having (or lacking) the support of people we know and trust can make or break our well-being.

Spending time with loved ones deepens bonds, builds memories and fortifies trust. It also grounds us and gives us purpose beyond the daily hustle and bustle. When we make time for other people, we’re also making the time to enrich ourselves.

The happiest people might not have all the money or the most success, but what they might lack in some areas they make up for in personal connections and positive self-care. Deep bonds can help us make the most of what we do have, so we can feel fulfilled in everything we take on, and positive choices can help us live life to the fullest. Ultimately, happiness is a choice; it can take some effort, but the payoff is huge.

~Here’s to a Healthier Life!

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