10 Signs You Might Have a Narcissist in Your Life

10 Signs You Might Have a Narcissist in Your Life

(GoHealthier.com) – Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPR) is a recognized mental health condition detailed in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Internal manifestations can include grandiose thoughts and a preoccupation with thoughts of unlimited power and success. Eternal symptoms include a lack of empathy, the exploitation of other individuals, and the need for admiration.

Due to their potential for exploitative and other possibly damaging behaviors, we might protect ourselves by knowing some common symptoms exhibited by individuals with a narcissistic personality disorder. Here are 10 signs someone in your life might be a narcissist.

Narcissism is an extremely complicated mental health condition recognized by the American Psychiatric Institution. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with its warning signs due to its potentially damaging behaviors like selfishness and the exploitation of others. Other symptoms you may have a narcissist in your life may include self-righteous behavior, verbal abuse displays, and controlling behaviors. Continue reading to see a discussion of 10 common symptoms to look for in others you suspect are narcissists.

Do You Know a Narcissist? Look Out For These 10 Signs.

1. Being a Bad Sport

Narcissists frequently behave like bullies, whether winning or losing at competitive activities. For example, if they lose a debate, they might harass or belittle the moderator. Inversely, if they win, they will likely direct their negative behavior toward the person losing by abusing them or by gloating at their expense.

2. Displaying Self-Righteous Behaviors

People with narcissism typically think their opinions are superior to those of others. They frequently attempt to inflict their viewpoint on others, often belittling them along the way.

3. Heightened Sense of Intelligence

Individuals suffering from narcissism often behave like know-it-alls, thinking they are the only person capable of intelligent thought. For that reason, negotiating the most basic tasks might be difficult to impossible as they typically refuse to consider the possibility that their way of doing things could be flawed in any way.

4. Resorting to Verbal Abuse

Narcissistic individuals often swear at others and exhibit other argumentative behaviors. Verbal assault in the form of yelling or cursing is a common way of exerting their dominance on others.

5. Exhibiting Feelings of Entitlement

Displaying a superior attitude is a classic sign of narcissism. Narcissists naturally feel they should receive whatever they think they want or need, even if it’s at the expense of others.

6. Using Control Tactics

Narcissists have an ever-present need to control everything around them to include both people and situations. They often place unreasonable demands on others as a means of placating their own feelings of superiority and dominance.

7. Avoiding Responsibility

Blaming others for their shortcomings or deflecting responsibility commonly manifests in people suffering from narcissism. Although control is important to them, they typically can’t accept their decisions or behavior could result in anything other than success.

8. Dominating Conversations

Narcissists think their thoughts and opinions are superior to those of others. For that reason, they tend to dominate conversations oftentimes, spending excessive amounts of time boasting about their supposed accomplishments.

9. Displaying a Lack of Empathy

People suffering from narcissism view life in selfish terms. Everything must center around their own perceived desires, leaving them with an inability to put themselves in another person’s situation. For this reason, they lack any sense of empathy.

10. Lacking Long-Term Friendships

Narcissists only think about themselves, frequently bullying friends and family members who eventually move on to healthier relationships. Additionally, when conversing with others, narcissists often bad-mouth others as a means of making themselves appear superior.

Narcissists commonly suffer from grandiose thoughts, leading to a desire to belittle or take advantage of others. For that reason, it’s important to familiarize yourself with some of its many warning signs. If you think you or a loved one has a narcissistic personality disorder, it’s best to seek the help of properly licensed or certified mental health professionals.

Here’s to a Healthier Life!

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