Top 5 Foods That Cause Joint Pain


..and how avoiding them can lead to pain-free living.

If you’re like me, then you know what joint pain feels like.  It can range from burning, to pain, to throbbing, to sharp and shooting…

Basically there is a lot of pain when you have bone rubbing against bone.    But to really get down and address joint pain, you need to address the biggest issue that prevents you from living pain-free each day:

That is inflammation.  Face it, when your bones are rubbing against one another, there is going to be heat and eventually, there will be some inflammation.

But it’s not just bone-on-bone that causes inflammation—it can be also due to the foods you’re currently eating—or those foods that you just won’t give up.

Red meat may be one of them … and so is dairy.

Basically, some of the foods you’re eating may be causing a reaction to occur in your body, which is increasing inflammation levels.

So how do you best address rising inflammation?

The Top Foods That Spike Inflammation

In the past, we’ve tried to educate you on the top foods that could LOWER inflammation.  From wild-caught fatty fish, to fresh fruits and vegetables (even those superfoods everyone raves about) are all foods that lower inflammation and protect the delicate and sensitive cells in your body.

And that includes your joints—and the lining of your joints.

So today, instead of telling you what foods you should be eating to reduce inflammation…

Could This Flower FIX Stiff Joints?

…we are going to tell you what foods to AVOID in order to reduce inflammation (and maybe show you that you have a sensitivity) and how this may impact your joint health.

Years ago, we had a partner in our company that developed an autoimmune disorder.  He was constantly in pain and told that he needed a lifetime reliance of medications.

But he did something different…

He cut out these foods from his diet, which have been shown to be highly inflammatory, and he’s since recaptured his health—and is keeping his joints supple and healthy.

You can’t put a price tag on pain-free joints.  So, if you want to keep YOUR joints fresh and void of deadly inflammation, you should think about eliminating these foods from your diet:

1. Dairy

Do you know someone who had to give up dairy for health reasons?  It could be due to an intolerance to lactose…or a sensitivity to dairy itself.

Whatever the reason…how did they feel after?

Amazingly, dairy may spike inflammation and cause problems with your health.  People may have a sensitivity to lactose or to casein (a type of protein found in dairy).  It may also be due to the high saturated fat content found in dairy.

However, there is one other thing that may be occurring:

Depending on how the cows are fed—if they are fed a grain and corn diet—then you may be ingesting a high amount of omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-6 fats are extremely inflammatory and may be linked to numerous health issues—including destroying your joints.

They may also cause bloating, gas, diarrhea, and other distress signals in your gut.

If you think you may have a sensitivity to dairy, try eliminating it from your diet and see how your body feels after.

2. Gluten

In case you didn’t know, the gluten molecules of today are a lot different than they were 20 years ago.

They are bigger, stickier, and cause a lot more problems than they once did.

So how does it impact your joints?  Well, when someone with a sensitivity to gluten eats something that contains gluten, their immune system springs into action.

This may lead to increased inflammation, which can target soft tissue (like the tissue in your joints).

Although you may not see anything on the outside, you may notice immediate joint pain or some other symptoms of inflammation.

And guess what?  The pain could be intermittent (comes and goes) or chronic.

If you tend to gravitate to bread, pizza, or cakes…and you feel pain in the hours after eating it, then there is a good chance you may be sensitive to gluten and should avoid it altogether.

3. Red Meat

I love meat.  I really love eating a nice juicy steak.  But here’s the only issue:

After I eat it—maybe a day or so after—my elbow really starts nagging me.  And I know it has to do with inflammation.

Studies consistently show that red meat may increase inflammation and CRP markers, which could lead to more inflammatory markers flowing in your body.

But it might not just be linked to inflammation.  British researchers have linked a high red meat intake with an increased risk for rheumatoid arthritis in at least two different joints.

The occasional steak or burger may not move the needle too much for inflammation, but indulging more than once a week may lead to trouble.

4. Night Shade Vegetables

It’s hard to believe that vegetables have made the list—but they have.

Night shade vegetables, which are eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes, may aggravate or worsen symptoms of arthritis.

The reason:

Night shade vegetables contain solanine, which some people may be sensitive to.

5. Coffee

I hate to put this on the list, but coffee may cause joint pain.  The reason:

The caffeine found in coffee may weaken bones, which could make joint pain worse.

Even though it may be full of polyphenols and antioxidants, it is one of the foods you should be avoiding.


Painful joints can put a cramp in your life.  It causes pain, stiffness, aches, burning, and sharp sensations which can make doing daily activities hard.

Even though some joint pain may be due to injury … or aging …

Some joint pain can be associated with high levels of inflammation—which could be caused by the foods you’re currently eating.

So here’s what you should do:

  • Take this list of foods and try to limit your intake during the week—or eliminate them for at least 5 weeks.
  • Slowly reintroduce one at a time to your diet.  If you find your joint pain increases after reintroducing a specific food, then you know you may be sensitive to that particular food.

If you’re serious about your joint health, and want to be sure that you’re doing everything right to prevent joint pain from derailing your life, then start simple by eliminating these foods from your diet.

You could be walking the back nine…biking…or gardening without pain in your knees, hips, or lower back.

Get Our Simple Fix To Ridding Joint Pain Naturally Without a Reliance On Prescription Medications

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