Alert: Painkillers Causing Heart Failure in Diabetics?!


Having diabetes can make even the simplest things feel dangerous.

You know, like eating a piece of your grandkid’s birthday cake… drinking a glass of white wine with dinner… or even taking a walk without proper shoes.

Now, there’s something else you really should be cautious of if you or someone you love has blood sugar issues.

New research shows that taking a common class of painkillers can put you on the fast track to heart failure. 

And it could be in your medicine cabinet right now.

I’m talking about NSAIDs.

And this probably isn’t the first time you’ve heard that these drugs – like ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin – can be dangerous.

They’re linked to everything from stomach bleeds to ringing in the ears.1

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg if you have diabetes.

In a new study, European researchers analyzed the health records of more than 331,000 seniors with type 2 diabetes – but no history of heart failure –looking for a link between NSAID use and heart failure.

And boy, did they find one!

At the end, the results showed that the patients taking NSAIDs – even for only as little as one month – significantly increased their risk of heart failure!


You shouldn’t have to risk your life to relieve your pain.

Experts from the study report that NSAIDs are so dangerous because they can cause irregular heartbeats, constrict blood vessels, and even raise blood pressure.

Fortunately, there’s another way to fight your pain that won’t destroy your heart.

Curcumin is a special compound found in the spice turmeric.

It’s been used in Eastern medicine for eons… and studies show it’s a powerful pain killer.

In one randomized clinical study, 139 patients with knee OA were randomly assigned to receive either a standardized curcumin 500mg capsule three times daily or 50mg tablet of the NSAID painkiller diclofenac two times daily for 28 days.

Patients underwent assessment at baseline and days 14, and 28 using the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS).

The results showed that curcumin worked as well as the NSAID for knee pain!

And here’s what’s really interesting…

The curcumin group had ZERO side effects… and they experienced better heart health.


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