We all know the classic signs of a heart attack.
Left arm pain… shortness of breath… and chest pain, to name a few.
And if you have these, it’s a clear indicator that you need medical attention ASAP.
But there’s another way to know that your heart – and life – are in trouble.
The only problem? You can’t see or hear it.
You see, a “heart attack” protein could be in your body right now, wreaking havoc on your health… and lifespan.
In fact, having an elevated level of this invisible threat could even increase your risk of premature death by 76 percent!
Here’s everything you need to know…
You may have heard of troponin before.
If you or a loved one have had a heart attack, you’ve likely heard a doctor ask for this lab to be drawn.
That’s because having elevated levels of this protein is usually a clear sign of a heart attack.
But new research shows there’s more to the story.
For the study, scientists analyzed the mortality outcomes of 20,000 patients who had a troponin blood test.
At the end, they found that folks who had high levels of troponin were FOUR TIMES more likely to die if their levels were higher than the normal range.
Even worse? Participants with abnormally high troponin markers were 76 percent more likely to die from ANY cause, not just heart issues.
I don’t know about you, but I want a troponin test today!
Luckily, that’s pretty simple to do.
Your primary care doctor can order a troponin test at any time.
If they say you don’t need one… show them this article. You have the right to know what’s happening in your body… and how it may affect your future.
If your levels are high, work with your doctor to lower them.
And start to incorporate a few of my favorite heart-healthy habits like staying hydrated, getting in daily movement, and eating a whole food diet.
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