How To Improve Your Heart Health Without Taking Heart Medication With These 7 Proven Steps (from the American Heart Association)
Bum…Bum. Bum…Bum…
The rhythmic beating of your heart reminds you every day that you are alive, healthy, and well.
However, for some people, the typical beating of the heart may be fluttered, irregular, or very slow.
Not due to anything they did, but due to the medical intervention that may have come about due to a heart attack, stroke, or other condition that may increase the risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
And, if you have heart disease or are at risk for it, then chances are you may (or should) be following the American Heart Association’s
“Life’s 7 Simple steps” to better heart health.
But, these seven steps may also be effective for preventing the SECOND leading cause of death…
The Seven Steps and Cancer Risk
The seven steps may help you live a heart healthy lifestyle and may reduce your risk for future heart-related issues.
The seven steps are:
• Being physically active
• Keeping a healthy weight
• Eating a healthy diet
• Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels
• Keeping blood pressure down
• Regulating blood sugar levels
• Not smoking
Although these seven steps have been shown to reduce your risk for heart disease, now these seven steps have also been shown to slash your risk for cancer.
In fact, a new study published by researchers from the American Heart Association, showed some significant reductions in cancer when following many of the seven simple steps for heart health.
Here’s what they found:
They assessed and followed over 13,000 people for a period of 20 years. After 20 years, they reviewed medical records and cancer databases and found roughly 2,800 of those people developed cancer – mostly of the lung, colon, prostate, rectum, and breast.
However, what they did find was AMAZING!
People who followed – and adhered – to six of the seven steps, their risk for cancer was reduced by a whopping 51 percent.
For those who met four of the seven steps, there was a 33 percent reduction in risk.
Now for those who met one or two of the steps, the risk was reduced by 21 percent!
When the authors took smoking out of the equation, of the people who met five out of the remaining six steps (smoking excluded), there was a 25 percent lower chance of developing cancer.
They concluded:
“Adherence to the seven ideal health metrics defined in the AHA 2020 goals is associated with lower cancer incidence. The AHA should continue to pursue partnerships with cancer advocacy groups to achieve reductions in chronic disease prevalence.”
“7 Steps” You Need to Include
In order to be healthy, you need to take certain steps to reduce your risk for cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.
Most people though, only include one or two things – commonly eating right and exercising.
However, the American Heart Association has come out with “Life’s 7 simple steps” in order to cut down on your risk for heart disease or heart-related deaths.
Now, though, they have also found that including these 7 steps may reduce your risk for developing cancer, which is the second leading cause of death in the US and around the world.
By including these simple – yet effective – lifestyle changes, not only could you reduce your risk for a heart attack, but you may also reduce your risk for a number of different cancers.
If There Is One Thing You Should Do To Protect Your Heart, It Would Be This
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