3 Worst Omega-3 Foods


Top Three Omega-3 Rich Foods That Could be Bad for Your Health

If you walk around your local grocery store, you may notice an increase in products fortified with omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown beneficial to your health, have now been introduced into everyday products in order to provide YOU with all the benefits they provide.

They have been linked to improvements in heart health, brain function, eye health, and even weight loss.

Previously, the only way you could obtain these essential fats were through fish, and the use of fish or krill oil supplements.

Recently the FDA authorized the use of different forms of omega-3 fatty acids to be used in food products, for the sole purpose of promoting healthier lifestyles.

However, there are some products that tout the omega-3 fatty acids benefits that may actually not provide any benefits for your health.

Let me explain…

Top Three Omega-3 Rich Foods That Could be Bad for Your Health

Many of the products on the market today fortified with omega-3 fatty acids may not be as great for you as once thought.
In fact, in order to continue to get the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, you should eat plenty of fish, krill oil, shellfish, nuts, and olive oil in order to get your daily supply of the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.

However, here is a list of three fortified foods that may not be as beneficial as once thought.

1. Omega-3 Rich Mayo

Walking down the condiment aisle, you may have noticed many new choices of mayo on the shelves.

From canola oil-rich mayo to heart healthy olive oil mayo, the choices are endless.

However, in order to ensure that you are getting what is said on the label, it is recommended to read the food label – especially to see which oil they use to make the mayo.

In most instances, the mayo you choose could be made from soybean oil, which is plentiful in omega-6 fatty acids and lower in omega-3 fatty acids.

As you may well know, omega-6 fatty acids have been linked to increased inflammation, which has been linked to poor health.

If you do like mayo, be sure to use it sparingly, in order to improve your health and wellness.

2. Omega-3 Rich Margarine

Margarine is considered one of the worst foods on the market, due to the increase in trans fats found in the product.

However, that has not stopped the food industry from fortifying margarine with heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Margarine, which is created through a process of hydrogenation, is commonly found in the oil form at room temperature and is then injected with hydrogen particles, to make it stable at room temperature.

By fortifying margarine, it is thought to enhance cardiovascular health and wellness.

However, according to a study conducted on margarine with people who have suffered a heart attack, fortified margarine showed very
little impact on reducing the rate of second heart attacks in the participants.

In fact, there was no difference between regular margarine and the fortified margarine.

If you need a spread, consider butter as a better alternative, due to the lack of trans fatty acids.

3. Omega-3 Rich Infant Formula

If you have a baby, or know someone who does, then you may want to take note of this one.

Breastfeeding is still the number one choice of doctors and pediatricians, when it comes to supplying your growing baby with the right nutrition.

It is recommended that you breastfeed for anywhere between one to six months, with six months being optimal.

However, some women may find it difficult to breastfeed and, instead, turn to omega-3 rich infant formulas fortified with DHA.

Although research has shown omega-3 rich formula to be beneficial to growing infants, there is very little conclusive evidence.

The reason why they have fortified it: DHA has been shown to improve brain health, eye health, and the development of other organs in your growing bundle of joy.

However, it has been shown that women who ate an omega-3 rich diet (supplements, fish intake, or nuts and olive oil intake) and breastfed their child, provided better nutrition to their growing baby,

In order to provide your growing child with the right nutrition, breastfeeding is still considered the best form of nutrition.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Your Health

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to improve many different facets of your health and wellness.

Prior to the new regulations, the best way to get omega-3 fatty acids was through the use of fish, fish oil, and krill oil.

However, now there are more foods that are fortified with omega-3 fatty acids, which are designed to deliver more omega-3 fats in order to enhance your health.

Not all omega-3 rich products are created equal.  In order to get the best possible omega-3 rich foods, stick with what you know – fish, olive oil, nuts, and a high quality omega-3 fatty acid supplement.


You Have Been Lied To…

Your Heart Health May Be At Risk If You’re Falling For These LIES!

It’s been hammered over your head that you need to be eating more fish or taking a fish oil supplement in order to protect your heart and prevent a heart attack.

What they haven’t told you, however, is that the fish oil you’re currently taking may be doing nothing to protect your heart—but putting your health at risk.

Consumer Reports shows that some popular brands labeled “toxin-free” contained PCBs, mercury, and other toxins that could be dangerous for your health.

Plus, with most fish oil, you lose up to 80% of the available DHA and EPA (the fats that improve your heart health) during the digestion and conversion process.

And could eventually lead to a heart attack!

Don’t be fooled again!  You need something stronger…something that is 21 X more powerful than your conventional fish oil supplements.

You need something that can:

  • Raise good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol which could lead to dramatic changes in your heart health.
  • Readily cross the blood-brain barrier to instantly improve the health of your brain which will impact your memory and your mood.
  • Keeps hunger at bay by lowering the powerful “hunger hormones” Grhelin and Leptin.
  • Alleviate physical and emotional symptoms of PMS, therefore making that “time of the month” a little more bearable

All this happens in a much lower dose than fish oil that is 47 X more powerful and more absorbable by your body.

If you want to protect all facets of your health, then you need to click the link below and place your order:

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