It’s Time to Take a Nap (Here’s Why)

It's Time to Take a Nap Here's Why

( – Taking a nap isn’t only for small children. It’s a common practice in some parts of the world, and there’s mounting evidence that taking a nap is good for you. Making time for that nap may be just what you need for better health. Read on to find out why!

Quick Read:
Even if a person doesn’t feel sleepy, their body might still need a break. Even a short nap of 20 minutes may improve the way we feel and give us more energy to finish our daily tasks. Do you need a nap, and will it help you accomplish more? Check out the great reasons to take a nap today.

See How Naps Can Improve Your Health.

Napping May Boost Your Immune Response

Taking a nap might make it easier for your body to fight off colds, flu, and other diseases because napping gives the immune system a boost, according to a 2015 study. Sleep deprivation takes a toll on the body’s immune response, and taking a short nap may restore the response that gets lowered when people don’t sleep enough. Especially for people who never seem to get a full night’s sleep, naps can be invaluable for better health.

A Nap May Make It Easier to Learn

Want to learn a new skill? Taking a nap may help. A 2006 study indicated that people who napped frequently performed better on reading and retention tests. Further investigation showed that nappers’ brains more often consolidated motor learning abilities better. Those abilities are essential when learning new skills, so the naps made learning easier.

Naps May Improve Physical Stamina

A 2007 study indicated that napping after lunch might make exercise easier and more productive. Based on sprint times for men both with and without a post-lunch nap, times were faster for all the men after they’d napped. The level of alertness and stamina created by taking a nap may be beneficial for athletes, especially if their training otherwise affects their sleep schedule.

Naps May Mean a Better Memory

For people who need or want to remember a lot of information, napping might be the key. Sleeping consolidates memory, and a 2010 study showed that a daytime nap works in the same way as nighttime sleep. This was especially true for associative memory, which is the brain’s ability to connect unrelated objects. After a nap, study participants showed notable gains in their associative memory abilities.

Even if a nap seems counterproductive, it may make things better overall. Both mental and physical health might improve by napping, and those who want to improve memory and immune function may want to consider a nap, too. When it has so many great benefits, it might be worth taking a short nap soon!

~Here’s to a Healthier Life!

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