Eat THESE Veggies For Better Health (and fat loss)
…these potent veggies contain all the right nutrients for improving your health!
As you know, omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important to your health.
And, you also know that wild-caught fatty fish and grass-fed beef are great sources of omega-3 fats.
But, did you know, there are many other foods that possess omega-3 fatty acids? And, they may not be ones that you would normally think of…
Three Unique Omega-3 Fatty Acid Sources
Before we get into the different sources, there are some things you should know.
First, your diet may NOT contain nearly enough omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, recent statistics show that most people are deficient in omega-3 fats.
Why? Typical Western diets are chock full of omega-6 fatty acids and low in omega-3 fatty acids.
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Western diets may lead to increased inflammation and oxidative stress, which is the root of most chronic diseases.
If you include some of the foods below, then you could alter your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio – for the better!
Here are THREE UNIQUE sources of omega-3 fatty acids:
1. Spinach
This leafy green vegetable contains a great deal of omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it a potent contributor to better health.
Plus, it contains almost 20 percent of your daily recommendations for fiber, which packs a powerful punch when it comes to protecting your heart.
Tip: Use this in salads, sautéed, as a side dish, or raw on sprouted grain bread in order to gain all the potent benefits spinach has to offer.
2. Winter Squash
This vibrant vegetable – well most squash in general – contains a heaping dose of the omega-3 fatty acids.
And, this wintery favorite contains plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to fight off oxidative stress and inflammation.
Tip: Use a touch of olive oil and roast in the oven for nutrient-rich side dish.
3. Broccoli
This green vegetable packs a lot of nutrition into its tiny frame. A rich source of both vitamin K and potassium, this vegetable is perfect for boosting your health.
Oh, and did I mention, it’s chock full of omega-3 fatty acids? It’s true!
Tip: Serve this veggie steamed, raw, or broiled for a tasty, low-calorie side, perfect for boosting your health.
Three EASY Ways to Boost Omega-3 Fats
If you want to positively impact your health, substitute some of your refined, processed carbs with one –or all – of these three foods.
Packed full of nutrition – and omega-3 fats – these three foods are tasty alternatives that are sure to give your health a much needed BOOST!
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