What Can Your POOP Tell You About Your Health?
Everyone knows there are trillions of tiny bugs living in your gut.
And these bugs may be responsible for improving many different aspects of your health.
But did you also know these tiny bugs could determine if you gain weight—and how much weight you gain?
It’s true!
And guess what? You may be able to determine if you are going to gain weight by how much bacteria is in your poop!
Scientifically important—yes!
Let’s take a look…
What Your Poop Says About Your Health
There are numerous studies that show that gut bacteria not only varies from person to person, but also from lean to obese people.One study showed that lean mice exposed to bacteria from overweight or obese mice, started to gain weight and became insulin resistant.
The reason: The obese mice may have more “bad” bacteria than they have “good” ones!
This means those bad bacteria may be able to convert carbs into fat—especially body fat and visceral fat.
And this is not good for your health!
So, how exactly can you tell if your body is filled with good or bad bacteria?
From your poop of course!
You see, there is evidence that shows that your poop may contain 50 percent gut bacteria shed from your intestines!
This way, researchers have been able to determine what bacterial population is in your gut and if you’ll gain weight.
But here’s something else they were able to discover:
The makeup of your gut bacteria may be passed on from generation to generation, meaning that you may have the same gut population as your mom and dad—or even your grandparents!
Now, by looking at the poop of the participants, the researchers were able to determine how diverse the gut bacteria may be.
And, according to the researchers, the more diverse your gut population is, the better for your health.
Studies have shown that a less diverse gut population may lead to obesity due to the conversion of carbohydrates into fat from bad bacterial strains.
And here’s the main problem: Most of the fat that forms may be in the visceral fat form.
Visceral fat, which lies deep in your abdomen and around your internal organs, may increase the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers.
And even though more research is needed, this could be a key to reducing the risk for visceral fat and other diseases associated with high levels of visceral fat.
Take Home Message
The health of your gut plays a very large role in your body and your health.
When the good gut bacteria outnumber the bad ones, you may have a leaner body and a significantly less risk for developing chronic diseases.
However, the more bad bacteria you have, the more at risk you may be for developing diabetes and heart disease as
well as gaining fat in the form of visceral fat.
One way to find out how your gut ranks is by having a fecal test completed (they look at your poop and see what bacterial strains are in it).
This could shed some light on your gut bacterial population and just how it could impact your health and your fat loss.
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