Top 5 Reasons Why It Is Harder For Women To Do This?


The Top 5 Reasons Why Women (and men) Can’t Lose Weight

…and it has nothing to do with quick fix diet plans!

Have a big class reunion you want to dress to impress at?  Have a big job interview that you’re hoping to nail?

But there’s only one thing stopping you:

Your weight.  No matter what diet you try…or how much you exercise, you can’t seem to lose any weight.

What gives?

Well, it’s hard to say.  But what we can say is this:

Women DO have a harder time losing weight compared to men.   It’s partly due to the fact that women’s bodies tend to want to “hold on” to excess fat.

But, like I said, that’s only part of the problem.  The other part has to do with certain lifestyle habits that could cause unwanted weight to hang around.

There is good news, however…

With a few tweaks and tips, you can remedy most of the issues in a couple days or a few weeks!

Let’s take a closer look at…

What’s PREVENTING You From Getting The Body Of Your Dreams…

The simple fact is:

It’s harder for women to lose weight.  Not that you can’t…

…but there are specific things going on inside your body that could make you hold on to your fat.


There are plenty of things you can tweak or change to get your weight moving in the right direction.

In fact, most of these issues can be remedied by adopting these 5 steadfast rules:

1. You Suffer from Uncontrolled Eating

One of the biggest pitfalls that most people suffer from (men included) would be a healthy appetite.

And when you’re constantly hungry (and stressed), things can get out of hand very quickly.

That extra portion at lunch…the cookie you forgot you snuck at snack time…or the large glass of wine at dinner…

…could easily add up to hundreds of extra calories to your day!  And most of the time, those extra calories get stored as fat.

Advice: The easiest way to control your eating patterns is by planning your meals and snacks for the day.  This way you know exactly what you can eat and in what portions you should be eating them in.

This could save extra calories in the long run.  Also, if you’re looking to snack, skip the cookies and cakes and opt for healthy options, such as nuts plus a fruit or a veggie.

2. Medications May Be To Blame

It’s safe to say that some medications may lead to weight gain.  For example, steroids are often prescribed to treat a number of inflammatory disorders, including arthritis and asthma.

But these drugs may lead to weight gain in the long run.  And it’s not just steroids that could be tanking your weight loss goals.

Certain antidepressants could also increase your weight gain.

Advice: If you think your medication may be causing weight gain to occur, then speak with your doctor to see if there is a different medication without the weight gaining effects.

If not, then you need to carefully watch everything that you eat and drink in order to prevent weight gain from occurring.

3. You’re Not Exercising

In case you don’t know, exercise is a great way to burn extra calories in order to lose your stubborn spare tires or tone up your jiggly legs.

But what you may not know is how long you’re supposed to exercise in order to achieve the results you want.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that everyone should get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day.

And that doesn’t include the walking to and from your office!  One other thing:

Don’t limit your exercise to doing the bike or walking on a treadmill—especially if you’re short on time.

Strength training, which helps to build more lean muscle mass, may actually boost your metabolism for a much longer period of time.

Advice: getting in your exercise is going to help burn excess calories and tone up those stubborn areas.  If you can’t spare an extra 60 minutes a day, shoot for a smaller amount of time (like 20 to 30 minutes).

If you’re opting for a short amount of time, check out these exercises you can do in order to get the best bang for your buck.

4. You Frequently Skip Breakfast

In order to keep your metabolism firing at the highest possible level, you need to do everything in your power to help it—including eating breakfast.

Eating breakfast helps jumpstart your metabolism to help you burn calories and burn off the food you just ate.

But if you’re skipping breakfast, that means your metabolism is going to be delayed, which means you’re throwing precious metabolism-boosting time out the window.

Advice: Eating breakfast is one of the easiest ways to jumpstart your metabolism and get it working efficiently.

If you don’t have the time to prepare eggs and fruit, then you can opt for something smaller that packs in all the necessary nutrition you need to stay alert and have peak energy.

5. Too Much Alcohol

I know that after a busy day, you’re looking to unwind with a good book or some mindless television. If you do, just be careful of what you choose to drink.

A lot of people opt for wine or beer, which could pack quite a few calories (remember, a wine glass can hold up to 3 glasses of wine, which could be over 300 calories).

And that could be easily causing you to overdo it on your calories, preventing you from getting the body you’re working hard at getting.

Advice: if you’re finding it hard to lose weight, then you may want to consider dumping your habit of drinking.

One glass of wine could easily top 120 calories, while other drinks could round out to 300 to 500 calories.

And all those extra calories could be leaving you feeling bloated and heavier than you may like.

Make The Right Changes To Lose The Weight You Want

Although women do have a harder time losing weight, some may be due to choices they may be making.

In order to lose weight and get in your ideal shape, you need to cut out the excess calories that could be holding you back.

Cutting back on portions, putting a stop to your nighttime drinking, and exercising a little more could go a long way to building a stronger, faster metabolism that could increase your ability to lose weight and keep it off—no matter what time of year it is.

But you must BEWARE…

There are certain issues that could be putting a damper on your fat loss.  But it may not be what you think.  In fact, this one lifestyle issue in particular, could be slowing down your metabolism, speeding up the aging process, and causing severe mood swings.

On the next page, I am prepared to show you a way that could accelerate your metabolism, reverse the aging process, and make you feel like a teenager again…  I also have a special free gift(s) for you as well. 

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