The Top 12 Foods That Will Keep You Full

Overweight man uses a fabric tape to measure his waist size.



If you’ve started a diet, then you know first-hand just how terrible it is to never feel “filled” up…

To always be hungry…

You constantly hear that rumbling in your tummy, and hope for an end.

Am I right?

It’s safe to say that if you’re going on a diet, that you may find yourself hungry all the time—or at least in between the times you eat your meals and your snacks.

But there is something you can do about it!

There are a whole bunch of foods that are so packed with nutrition and calories that they can fill you up so you never have to experience those hunger pangs again.

And when you’re not hungry, there’s a good chance that you’re going to adhere to your diet and keep your weight loss moving forward.

No more…one step forward and two steps back. By keeping your hunger at bay, you’re going to keep your weight loss moving forward—every step of the way.

The Top 12 Foods That Will Keep You Full.

There’s a good chance that you’re sabotaging yourself when you diet. You’re eating foods that will quickly be digested and used by your body, leaving you feeling empty inside.

But I have some great news for you:

There are certain foods that not only fill you up, but they may keep you satisfied for much longer periods of time.

And if you’re including them in your bigger meals, there’s a good chance you will keep those hunger pangs at bay.

Now, there may be a lot of foods to choose from, but these 12 have a much better ability of keeping you full and satisfied for longer periods of time:

1. Avocados

If you’re always hungry after a meal, then you may want to think about adding avocado to your next meal! Avocados, which contain plenty of healthy fats, have been shown to boost meal satisfaction.

Avocados are a rich source of monounsaturated fats, which could fill you up for hours, plus help you burn fat, improve your cholesterol, and improve your cellular health.

2. Beans

We’ve spoken about the appetite-suppressing power of beans before. Beans, which are full of fiber, may help satisfy your appetite, leaving you less likely to want to eat more.


The fiber found in beans is no ordinary fiber. Beans contain high levels of resistant starches, which are resistant to breaking down in your stomach, and may improve things like cholesterol, your gut bacterial colony, and may control blood sugar which could cut down on your hunger and cravings.

3. Nuts

Everyone knows that nuts are a pretty special snack. But you may not know why.

Well, the reason for this is very simple, yet very effective for keeping hunger and cravings at bay. Nuts contain an impressive amount of protein, fat, and fiber, which go to work controlling your appetite and filling your body with energy.

Nuts are a great way to top your salad, crust some lean and healthy fish, or even added to shakes, yogurts, or oatmeal.

4. Oats

Wilford Brimley for a long time advertised oats as a way to control diabetes and to help you lose weight

And it’s true! Oats have been shown to control blood sugar, which could lead to reduced cravings. But it goes a step further…

Oats contain a ton of fiber, which once inside your GI tract, could increase the feelings of fullness and help control hunger.

And, since it’s a very dense food (viscosity), it increases the feeling of fullness.

Oats make a perfect weight loss food since it keeps you full, therefore you’re less likely to keep eating (or even eat more) at your next meal.

Make this a part of your breakfast, or add it to your shake for an extra appetite-suppressing boost!

5. Potatoes

Most people look at potatoes and keep right on walking. That’s just how evil people believe potatoes to be.

But I have news for you:

It’s one of the most satisfying foods you can find! The lethal combination of fiber, vitamins and minerals, and the high-quality starch, make potatoes a killer when it comes to your appetite and cravings.

Serve them boiled, baked, or even air fried to add stop cravings in their tracks.

6. Water

It makes sense to have water on the list, as this is one of the oldest and most effective tricks you can have in your weight loss arsenal.

Having a tall glass of water before a meal takes up space in your stomach, and gives you the feeling of fullness.

And besides, some people may mistake dehydration for hunger—which can easily be remedied with a couple glasses of water.

If this does the trick to curbing your hunger, then you know that you were not minding your water intake.

7. Eggs

I eat three eggs each day for breakfast. It’s not due to some dietary thing either. I just know that including eggs into my plan each day leads to less hunger throughout the day.

The reason?

Eggs are filled with protein, healthy fats, and essential compounds (like choline) that are important for your body.

The protein found in eggs has been shown to curb your appetite and increase the satiety hormones in your body.

8. Brown Rice

If you eat brown rice frequently throughout the week, you may see fewer cravings, better blood sugar control, and even a boost in your weight loss.

The fiber, vitamins, and minerals may work together to curb hunger and keep cravings at bay.

Discover The Nutritional Deficiencies Keeping You From Your Ideal Body Weight >>

9. Fruit

When I am craving a snack, I tend to lean towards a banana, berries, or an apple paired with some protein to keep my hunger and cravings under control.

Although fruit contains natural sugar, it also contains natural fibers, which boost your satiety hormones, therefore keeping you feeling full.

And combining this with a protein could give you more bang for your buck, since protein itself is an appetite-suppressing food.

10. Coffee

Who would have thought coffee would make this list? I sure didn’t.

But coffee, by itself (no added cream or sugar) is an appetite-suppressing drink. What is the secret to coffee’s appetite-crushing success?

The caffeine and the antioxidants found in coffee! This combination could help stimulate your metabolism, but suppress your appetite so you’re not hungry nearly as often.

But keep it moderate! The more coffee you drink, the more jittery you may become.

11. Dark Chocolate

If you’re a chocolate lover, then you’re going to be happy about this. Dark chocolate has been shown to control cravings and lower your appetite.


Well, as you may know, dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa) can taste very bitter. And this bitterness may work to signal the body to lower your appetite.


Dark Chocolate contains stearic acid, which naturally slows your digestion, therefore keeping you feeling fuller for longer periods of time.

12. Tofu

Tofu, a vegan option, may keep your appetite in check, thanks to the isoflavone, genistein.

Genistein has been shown to lower appetite, which results in lower food intake. Plus, it’s a rich vegan protein source, which again, could lead to lower appetite, less hunger cues, and even better weight loss.

The Take Home Message

When dieting, you may find yourself always hungry. And when I say hungry, I mean eat the kitchen sink type of hungry.

But there is a way to solve your hunger issues—without eating more food.

The 12 foods above, when strategically included in meals or snacks, could go a long way to combating hunger and keeping cravings from derailing your progress.

If you’re looking to keep your weight loss on track, without giving in to cravings or hunger pangs, then keeping these 12 foods handy could be your saving grace.

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