There’s a 1 in 3 Chance That You Suffer
From Pre-Diabetes
More than 86 MILLION US Adults are pre-diabetic and many don’t even know it according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Do any of these symptoms of imbalanced blood sugar seem familiar?
Cravings (especially for sweets)…
Drowsiness during the day, even on a full night’s sleep…
Poor concentration (“brain fog”)…
Difculty losing weight or increased fat storage…
Irritability and mood swings…
Or even addictions to caffeinated drinks and/or alcohol and cigarettes?
Look Familiar? There’s Good News And Bad News…
You may write off those symptoms as not being a big deal, something you have to deal with as you get older, or even “normal”…
And these days, with so many people going through the exact same struggles, you’d almost be right…
The bad news is, these problems are your body’s cry for help and FAR from being normal…
And you absolutely MUST do something now to balance things out…
If you have a fasting blood sugar above 108 mg/dl you are already pre-diabetic and nearly 300% higher risk of having coronary heart disease.
If you are over 44 years of age you should have a fasting blood sugar screen. If you are overweight it doesn’t matter how old you are you should get a fasting blood sugar screening done.
Diabetes is an illness that will provide a life full of miserable health complications and is one of the fastest ways to accelerate aging.
The good news is, I’m going to show you exactly how to do it…
In the quickest, easiest, and safest way possible.
First, let me ask you another important question:
Did You Know The Average American Consumes More Than 1 POUND Of Refined Sugar In A WEEK?
In 2014 the CDC showed that more than 29 million Americans were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. A meta-review that was published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings confirmed that calories from added sugars was the primary driver of pre-diabetes and diabetes.
Think about it…
These days, sugar has over 257 different names and varieties…
From popular types such as Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Cane, Granulated, and so on…
To less-known versions hiding in plain sight on ingredient labels under names like Dextrin, Disaccharides, Inulin (another name for high fructose corn syrup), Lactose…
It’s HARD to keep track!
And unfortunately, food companies are cramming them into virtually ALL processed foods to make us feel hooked, hungry, and happy.
Even in surprising stuff like ketchups, salad dressings, peanut butter, “healthy” sports drinks, protein bars, etc.
Just like a drug, you become addicted.
You even have the EXACT same parts of the brain that light up as when someone does drugs (like cocaine)…
Which is exactly why if you try to ignore your cravings and deprive yourself of that pleasurable release of dopamine in your brain, or detox from sugar completely…
You start feeling miserable, sick, and cranky…just like withdrawal from addictive drugs!
The Bitter Truth: All This Refined Sugar Does A LOT More Than Make You Fatter…
According to the American Dietetic Association AND The Diabetic Association, increased sugar consumption is the leading cause of degenerative diseases…
Let’s Take A Look At What Damage Sugar Is Doing:
Doctors and researchers at Yale, Harvard, The National Institutes of Health, and countless studies done by doctors all over the world all agree:
The avalanche of sugar we’re consuming every day has been directly tied to diabetes, which can lead to nerve damage called neuropathy, even resulting in rot and causing the need for amputation…
Sugar has also been linked to:
Macular degeneration
An increased risk of kidney disease, which causes painful, fluid-filled cysts on your kidneys…
High cholesterol, heart disease, and increased risk of heart attacks…
Dementia, Metabolic Syndrome, Anxiety, Poor Sex Drive, Premature Aging, Depression, Skin Problems, Impaired Memory And Learning, Insomnia, High Blood Pressure, Headaches, Low Energy, Mood Swings, And Even As A Fuel Source Used By Cancer Cells To Feed Off Of And Grow…
The Good News: You Can Rapidly Regain Control Of Your Blood Sugar Levels, Improve Your Health, And Lose More Weight Starting TODAY!
At Jaylab Pro, we’ve already helped hundreds of thousands of customers improve all sorts of areas of their health…
If you’re reading this report, chances are you’re one of them.
For years, we’ve focused a lot on weight management and tness…
But after seeing just how bad this sugar problem has become, and knowing how difcult it can be to lose weight and accomplish tness goals because of it…
We’ve spent a lot of time researching the fastest, safest, and most effective NATURAL nutrients for blood sugar control…
We’ve combed through years worth of medical research…
And looked at all of the existing blood sugar management products to see what they’re lacking…
And we challenged our team of formulators to nd a way to bring all of this information together to create the BEST blood sugar product to date…
Did they deliver? Absolutely!
And what they came up with was:
You Get 14 Proven Nutrients Formulated Into One Powerful Blood Sugar Balancing Solution:
Blood Sugar Balancer #1: Cinnamon
Diabetics have been using cinnamon for years as a natural way to control blood sugar levels. Studies show that cinnamon – in healthy, pre-diabetics, and diabetics – may lower blood sugar levels in the body.
Blood Sugar Balancer #2: Gymnema Sylvestre
Native to the tropical forests of India and Sri Lanka, this herb yields a very sweet taste when chewed raw.
Its power for promoting healthy blood sugar levels fall in its ability to activate beta cells in the pancreas.
Some studies suggest this powerful herb may also help increase the production of insulin, therefore lowering your blood sugar levels.
Blood Sugar Balancer #3: Banaba
This ancient blood sugar balancer has been used in the Philippines for centuries as a treatment for diabetes.
Studies show Banaba contains a potent chemical – corosolic acid – which could prevent the breakdown of sucrose (sugar) in the body, effectively lowering blood sugar levels.
Blood Sugar Balancer #4: Bitter Melon
Studies show bitter melon may improve the production and secretion of insulin, perfect for supporting your body in balancing blood sugar.
Blood Sugar Balancer #5: Guggul
This potent tree resin does double-duty for your health, because it’s primarily been used to lower cholesterol AND has shown potential to decrease plasma insulin levels and improve your glucose tolerance.
Blood Sugar Balancer #6: Chromium Picolinate
Shown to help shatter insulin resistance and improve glucose (sugar) metabolism.
Blood Sugar Balancer #7: Licorice Extract
Not to be confused with the candy, licorice extract has been shown to reduce blood sugar as well as reduce sugary cravings.
Studies show it may also reduce blood sugar levels, insulin levels, and fat levels in people with metabolic syndrome.
Blood Sugar Balancer #8: Yarrow
Studies with diabetics show Yarrow may lower elevated blood sugar and preserve glycogen levels. Additional research suggests it may also reduce oxidative stress in the pancreas.
Blood Sugar Balancer #9: Cayenne Pepper
Got this in your kitchen already?
Cayenne has been used for years to ignite weight loss.
One study showed that a meal with a mix of carbohydrates and capsaicin (an active component of chili peppers) lowered both blood sugar AND plasma insulin levels.
This lowering effect is thought to be due to the ability of cayenne to increase the tissue’s sensitivity to insulin
Blood Sugar Balancer #10: Juniper Berry
Used for a number of different ailments and conditions for many years.
Studies show this potent berry may increase the utilization of sugar by your tissue and increase the body’s natural insulin response and sensitivity.
Blood Sugar Balancer #11: Huckleberry
Proven in studies as benecial for controlling blood sugar.
In fact, one study showed that huckleberry—also referred to as bilberry—was able to slow digestion of starches, therefore lowering blood sugar.
PLUS, it may reduce the insulin response after eating a high starchy meal.
Blood Sugar Balancer #12: Vanadyl Sulfate
Research has found this nutrient to positively impact blood sugar levels by promoting reduced insulin and fasting blood sugar levels.
Blood Sugar Balancer #13: Alpha Lipoic Acid
A powerful antioxidant, Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) works to prevent cell damage that may occur in your body.
Studies show this antioxidant may improve insulin sensitivity, therefore allowing more uptake of sugar by your cells.
Blood Sugar Balancer #14: L-Taurine
When it comes to blood sugar maintenance, studies show that L-taurine helps by enhancing the uptake of glucose by red blood cells on the body.
With GlucoGuardian, You Can Finally:
> Erase Cravings. Instead of giving into cravings that create too much insulin and make your sugar levels crash and restart the cycle all over again, you’ll experience less overall cravings and hunger.
> Dump Stored Fat And Ignite Your Metabolism. By keeping your blood sugar levels in check, you’ll signal your body to release stored fat, consistently burn sugar as fuel, and improve your metabolism.
> Promote less risk of heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and more. As you’ve already seen, letting your sugar levels get out of control is like painting a bulls-eye on your body for degenerative diseases to strike. Now you can help your body protect itself.
> Boost Energy And Stamina. By keeping your blood sugar in check, you’ll experience less crashes and have an abundance of continuous energy as a result.
> Sharpen Memory And Focus. In numerous studies, researchers found those with a long history of high blood sugar levels performed poorly on memory and recall tests. Keeping blood sugar levels steady promotes stronger mental performance.
> Add More Years Of High-Quality Living. Whose life wouldn’t be improved and increased by having more energy, less stubborn fat, and less risk of deadly diseases?
Here is a recent comment from a happy customer after having their fasting blood sugar checked.
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